A true, inspiring story of a young revert sister seeking springs of life in the seasons of trials and tribulations...
I was walking out of the lecture hall of the CERDAS (Center for Human
Development and Human Sciences) in IIUM , a young lady came running after me..."Sister, please wait, sister, can I talk to you?" I stopped, turned and smiled at
her….and she said “Sister, how did you manage to save your iman?” As she approached me slowly, I noticed
through her shining bright eyes...her love for Allah, ( she is wearing the niqab) her hopes to be heard and her wishes for
pieces of advice in her moments of desperation. She asked me again, “sister, how did you go
through all these years facing the challenges and how did you endured the ordeals when you first reverted to Islam? Then, I told her that Allah is sufficient for
us…. And we should always place our deep trust in Him…