Sunday, January 7, 2024

Cactus of Resilience

Cactus of Resilience
An amazing gift from an amazing daughter who drew and coloured with deep passion. Truly its an expression of her strength revealing her resilience in the midst of her emotional hardship. She is managing well to  balance and being aligned with her attachment to God as she is able to keep her momentum by turning her struggling moments to rewarding moments. By accepting, moving forward with self compassion &  emotional  resilience, she continues the legacy of living by her values that aspire and inspire as an etraordinary educator by moving forward with deep trust and strong efforts as God helps and guides her to stay balanced to be aligned in His Great Care🤍

Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for Your Endless Blessings🤍

Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome 2024

Sharing my personal reflections as I welcome 2024. It marks 30 years of teaching experience, 10 years of going through struggles being a single parent, 10 years networking with my Turkish counterparts and now moving forward to a new workplace for personal and professional development. Its an amazing gift from challenging moments to rewarding moments❣

Thank you Allah for Your Endless Blessings❤