Cactus of Resilience |
Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for Your Endless Blessings🤍
I swear by the glow of the sunset, by the night and all that the night brings to life, and by the full moon, that you will move from your present existence to a different existence.” (Q84:16-19)
Cactus of Resilience |
Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for Your Endless Blessings🤍
Sharing my personal reflections as I welcome 2024. It marks 30 years of teaching experience, 10 years of going through struggles being a single parent, 10 years networking with my Turkish counterparts and now moving forward to a new workplace for personal and professional development. Its an amazing gift from challenging moments to rewarding moments❣
Thank you Allah for Your Endless Blessings❤